Why Should You Update Your Profile Image in 2023

Your profile image is the first impression that people get of you when they visit your social media account or see you on LinkedIn. Whether you’re looking to boost your personal brand or want to appear more professional, it’s essential that your profile image accurately represents who you are and what you stand for.

This is why it's essential to update your profile picture regularly. Like NOW …

Not convinced? Here are some more reasons why you need a fresh 2023 look!

Fresh and Current Look: Is your profile image so Pre-Covid? An outdated profile picture can give the impression that you're not actively using your profile or that you haven't taken the time to update your image in a while. A fresh and current image shows that you're active and engaged online, and it also gives others a more recent and accurate representation of what you look like.

Better First Impression: Your profile picture is often the first thing that people see when they come across you online. A well-crafted and professional profile picture can make a great first impression, while a blurry or unprofessional image can have the opposite effect. Updating your profile image can help you make a positive first impression, whether you're looking for a job, building a personal brand, or connecting with others in your network.

Reflects Your Personal or Professional Growth: As time passes, we change, and our profile image should reflect those changes. Updating your profile picture regularly allows you to show others how you've grown, whether it's in your personal life or your professional journey. A new profile image is also a great way to celebrate accomplishments, like a new job or a significant life event.

Improves Search Engine Optimization (SEO): If you're using your online profile for personal or professional purposes, you want to make sure it's easily searchable by others. Updating your profile image can help improve your profile's visibility, as search engines often favour profiles with updated and relevant content.

I told you why you should update your profile image, but I know what you're thinking. I hear it all the time. Let me help you get rid of your excuses.

  1. But, I have aged, I look so young and bright in my old image. Guess what, aging is a part of life. Rather than dreading the fact, reframe it as a privileged! But don’t worry, I use the best lighting to help you look as young as you feel. And if you want some editing, I don’t judge. I have “11” lines that I don’t like too!

  2. But, I put on the Covid 10 or Perimenopause hasn’t been kind to my waistline. OMG, I hear you too. Don’t worry, I have great posing techniques that will easily take off 5-10 kilos.

  3. But, I don’t know how to pose! You don’t have to be a model to come into my studio. I guide you through your entire session. Where to put your chin, hands, feet, you name it. We may even dance too. You will leave the session knowing how to take the best selfies and friend photos. Trust me, your iPhone photos will be the envy of all your friends.

    But, But, But …. No Buts about it. There are no more excuses. You have three options. ….

Read more about the headshot services I offer. There is bound to be one that suits you.


A Wise Woman - Claudia Rubinstein


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