The Graduate 2023 - Max Tham

I remember when Max went to high school, six years ago. Over night he went from being a little boy into a taller more confident boy. Now history repeats itself. This week Max ventured off to University and those 6 years of high school are behind us. How did that happen? For the child, I am sure the years are slow. For us parents, didn’t they only start prep yesterday?

During High School, Max went to two schools. Years 7-8 Auburn High and Years 9-12 Scotch College. We didn’t leave Auburn for any other reason than we got an opportunity from Scotch College. We figured these opportunities don’t come around very often, so we best take it. Max enjoyed both schools. And moving from a public to a private school, he knows how lucky he was to have such amazing facilities and opportunities within his reach.

I tell this next part as a mom (mum), he went to O Week nervous. I don’t blame him. When I was at University in the USA, I had my dormitory hall friends to hang out with and go to activities with. Here in Australia, I feel like you’re a bit on your own. Each day he went, and each day he saw familiar faces and met new people.

This week he went off to his first lectures nervous again. But on day two of lectures, he left the door again taller and much more confident. Maybe now he is 6 foot 1”? He sure looks it. And tonight he is joining the golf club at the driving range. I would say, he is going to be ok! I think he is going to love University life. And for a mother, that is a good feeling.

Let’s get back to the High School Years and why I am so passionate to bring our Graduate Sessions to Year 12s. The high school years went quickly, minus the 2 years spent in lockdown. I am so grateful that I took the time to capture Max at this stage. The kids are so proud of their candy coats, but after school is over, this coat will go to his brother and I am sure he will never want to wear it again. So I must thank him for joining me to walk through his school and capture him in the spots he spent so much time in.

During the Graduate session, each year 12 gets the opportunity to be interviewed, and Max is no exception.

Max’s Year 12 Interview.

Question: What was your favourite subject in school?

Max: Economics, I thought it was interesting and I was pretty good at it. I like how the contents have real-world applications.

Question: What was your favourite extracurricular activity?

Max: I like my sport, basketball. I am still thinking about the game buzzer beater I made. That was pretty cool.  I also enjoyed going to the year 12 events like the formal and valedictory.

Question: What was a great high school memory?

Max: Probably that game buzzer beater I made. But also, I enjoyed working with the house captains to organise a dodgeball tournament fundraiser. We raised $1,000 for people in Turkey after the earthquake.

Question: Do you have any advice for future year 12s?

Max: VCE is a marathon, not a sprint. Do consistent work and lots of practice Sacs and Exams. Don’t forget to have fun.

Question: What’s in store for 2024?

Max: Going to Melbourne University, studying Commerce. I look forward to joining some Uni clubs and meeting new people. I can’t wait to get my P plates so I can drive myself around.

Question: What are you looking forward to at Uni years?

Max: I would like to do some travel. I think I would like to go back to the US with some friends. I would like to go see some of my old mates in New York. And visit my American relatives. I lived there when I was younger.


The Graduate 2023 - Albert Wong